
Through our strategic partnerships with leading educational institutions and early childhood associations, we are deeply committed to fostering a brighter future for educators, the young minds they nurture, and school communities throughout the nation. These collaborations enable us to harness the expertise and knowledge of respected organizations, driving innovation in early childhood education and ensuring that our programs and initiatives remain at the forefront of educational excellence. Together, we share a common vision of empowering teachers, enriching young students' learning experiences, and collectively advancing the quality of early childhood education for all.

“Diversity and differences are strengths. These are the ways that we learn from each other. My students learn from each other in the classroom, and that new learning empowers them to find their own identity... just like IPUMI with their modern teaching in preschool academics has transformed me.”

PAUD Anissa, HIMPAUDI, Bogor regency

Here's What the Educators Say

“I want to elevate our profession of education and let the country know that we are the essential workers of the Republic of Indonesia.”

PAUD Anissa, HIMPAUDI, Bogor regency