The Inovasi Pendidikan Usia eMas Indonesia “IPUMI Foundation is a Jakarta-based national nonprofit organization, founded by educators with a clear mission. We work in close partnership with various stakeholders to champion the highest standards in national public early childhood education.

Our core belief is that the most innovative and effective policies and strategies emerge when educators collaborate closely with policymakers, parents, and others who share our commitment to providing lifelong, high-quality learning experiences and excellence for children during their formative years. Through the transformative potential of these partnerships, we strive to enhance early childhood education, ultimately benefiting the Indonesian economy.

We are a National nonprofit Organization Founded by Educators Dedicated to Promoting Equity, Accessibility, and High-Quality Early Childhood Education.

Modern Teaching for The Golden Years

After a transformative year of professional development, IPUMI, alongside our educational partners, provides standardized modern teaching techniques in preschool academics to empower educators in preparing students during their formative years for global citizenship in the 21st century.

“Diversity and differences are strengths. These are the ways that we learn from each other. My students learn from each other in the classroom, and that new learning empowers them to find their own identity... just like IPUMI with their modern teaching in preschoool academics has transformed me.”

PAUD Anissa, HIMPAUDI, Bogor regency

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